When it comes to preparing your resume there’s not much you can do to improve it without lying about where you used to work or went to school. However, there is one very effective way to improve any resume and that’s the font choice. Now a lot of people would probably tell you the best fonts to use, but I’m going to give you the top 10 fonts you shouldn’t use. By process of elimination you should be able to make the right choices on your own:
10. Times New Roman
Many job interview experts have referred to using Times New Roman on your resume as like walking into a job interview with your dick out. It’s a very lazy choice.
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You're lazier than the dog the brown fox is jumping over if you're using TNR. |
9. Arial
One of the main problems with using Arial much like Times New Roman is that it’s incredibly common and boring. Arial of course is slightly worse than Times New Roman because it’s like Times New Roman’s mentally handicapped cousin. And yes I realize that this is being typed in Arial which leads me to wonder why you’re even reading this right now.
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Look at how boring this is. |
8. Impact
Everyone wants to make an IMPACT when they step into a job interview. However there’s a fine line between making an impressionable impact and being uncomfortably bold and forceful. Impact font tends to allude to the latter.
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It's a resume not a Blitzkrieg. |
7. Parchment
You didn’t write your resume with a feathered quill or have it typeset at ye olde print shoppe and everyone knows it. You’re showing people you worked at Target for the last ten years, not revising Aristotle’s Theory of Moral Virtue.
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Unless you're applying to be a printer's apprentice in the 18th century I'd advise against this font. |
6. Palace Script
You generally want to stay away from any type of script font. It always comes out too small and if you ever have to type out all capitals like acronyms it always looks ridiculous.
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Use this font if you want your inadequate accomplishments to seem fancy and unreadable. |
5. Symbol
You might think that typing up your resume in Symbol font will make the employer remember you. That is true, it will, but encoded fonts are incredibly difficult to decipher in hard copy form.
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Are you applying for a job or making fucking crop circles? |
4. Jokerman
Using Jokerman font will only create feelings of uncertainty about your mental state in the employer’s mind.
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Employers want to know you're taking the process seriously. |
3. GulimChe
Unless you’re applying to a Korean company I would highly recommend you not use GulimChe. Basically any of the fonts that end in Che (BatangChe, DotumChe, etc.) would be bad.
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The interviewer will likely throw your resume out thinking an application to a sushi restaurant got in there by accident. |
2. Wingdings
A resume typed in Wingdings is seen as the ultimate sign of unprofessionalism. It’s important to smile at a job interview, but not with actual smiley face characters on your resume.
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The skull n' crossbones and bomb characters are ones you want to avoid in particular. |
And the number one worst font to use for your resume is...
1. Bastard
I believe Bastard font is the worst possible font to use on your resume because even though it may not be as goofy as Jokerman or as indecipherable as Wingdings, if by some chance the interviewer asks you what font it is and you say “Bastard!” that’s generally the end of the interview.
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It's a good rule of thumb to avoid anything that looks like it was in Nazi propaganda posters during World War II. |
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